I have suffered a severe laceration to my hand after catching it on a rusted nail sticking out of a window at work. It happened as I was closing up the office for the night and there were no witnesses. Will I still be eligible to claim compensation for being injured in an accident at work due to a faulty window?
Provided you can demonstrate that negligence on your employer’s behalf was at least partially the reason you suffered a laceration to your hand, you may be entitled to claim compensation for being injured in an accident at work due to a faulty window.
Although you have no witnesses, there are many other forms of evidence you could utilise to substantiate your claim for being injured in an accident at work due to a faulty window. Of course before you begin the claims process you must first ensure your GP or doctor examined your injury, this means that your injury cannot be trivialised by the negligent party because if you failed to seek medical attention for the laceration to your hand it could be deemed that your injury was not of a serious nature.
You should also make an entry in your employer’s ‘Accident Report Book’ and speak with a personal injury solicitor. They will be able to advise you based on the circumstances surrounding your injury whether it is worthwhile pursuing a compensation claim for being injured in an accident at work due to a faulty window. The majority of solicitors in the Ireland offer a free consultation for potential compensation claims therefore you can have your claim evaluated without being under any financial obligation.
Once you have gathered enough evidence, your solicitor will send a letter of claim to your employer’s insurance informing them of your intention to seek compensation. The insurers have 21 days to acknowledge receipt of the letter and a further 90 days to indicate whether they accept responsibility for the accident.
If they do not accept liability your solicitor will initiate court proceedings subject to your approval however this does not mean you will face your employer in court, as the insurance company may choose to settle your claim for being injured in an accident at work due to a faulty window rather than risk a potentially costly court case.